First of all, Michail will go through a detailed assessment. He will send you a questionnaire and you will have to answer all questions and send it back before the session. When you come for the initial consultation, you are going to have a discussion with Michail about your main health issues and the history around them. Based on that Michail will be able to identify any potential causal issues or contributing factors which might influence the course of the assessment and the treatment. The whole process can be free flowing according to your needs and what might come up.

Testing will include Bioresonance with NLS System Metapathia Hunter 4025 which will go in depth analysis of your organs and systems and we will be able to see any imbalances and the possible causes behind them.

Also Asyra/Quest – Electrodermal test will be part of the assessment as this can give us more broad and systemic causal factors including deficiencies, toxicity, geopathic and electromagnetic stress, to mention some.

HRV – Heart Rate Variability test with DePuls+ can also give us important information about the level of your energy and the adaptation reserves you have, something which can determine the intensity of the treatment.

Chinese Medicine Diagnostics are also part of the assessment, pulse, tongue, abdominal and meridian diagnosis. This are more tangible hands on diagnostics which you can feel and most of the time they are matching the other ones.

Based on the above results Michail will form a very customised treatment plan which you will discuss with him at the end of the assessment. Sometimes Michail needs to review the results and combine the different tests in an easy-to-understand summary with treatment recommendations.

If you decide to have the treatment on the day, it will give further information about how you respond to the treatment and it is going to be an indication about the prognosis. Furthermore, you get a feeling of what the hands-on treatments can do for you. Most of the time the effect can be instant, you can feel the changes and you can fall into a deep level of relaxation.

In a nutshell, resonance in physics is the response of an object or a system to an externally applied oscillatory force. When the object or the system is a Biological one then we call it Bioresonance.

In more detail, everything has a unique oscillatory frequency. Our organs, our cells, vitamins, toxins, hormones etc. When we use Bioresonance diagnostically we are checking if there is a matching of diseased frequencies of the organs with the persons we are checking. When we are treating with Bioresonance we are emitting the healthy frequencies of organs with the intention of upgrading the frequencies of the organs in target with the result of upgrading their function. Another example will be when we are looking for a parasite in the body, we are emitting the frequencies of the specific parasite and if there is resonance with the body this means that the parasite is present. Then by emitting the mortal oscillatory frequencies of the specific parasite we can very targeted eliminate it from the body.

This is a question I am usually asked on the phone and it is difficult to give a specific answer before I do my assessment. In general, chronic conditions require longer treatments, acute conditions can be resolved much quicker. Also, younger people or people with more energy resources tend to respond quicker than elder or with less energy resources.


Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures in the world. Acupuncture is a treatment based on Chinese Medicine, an ancient, but evolving medical system used for over 3,000 years in China and other Asian countries.Chinese Medicine theorises that our health is dependent on the body’s motivating energy (Qi) moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of pathways called meridians.Acupuncture is the insertion of very thin, stainless steel needles into precise points on the body shown as effective in the treatment of specific health problems. Recently, electromagnetic research has confined their locations.In this way, acupuncture regulates and restores the harmonious energetic balance of the body encouraging the promotion of natural healing and functioning.

Kiiko Style Japanese Acupuncture utilizes a palpatory method which provides instant feedback to the practitioner. The activation of specific reflexes suggests the diagnosis and the efficacy of the treatment can be established by the changes in the same reflexes. As a result both practitioner and patient can feel if there are results during the treatment.The approach to the diagnosis is multilevel and goes in a great depth into structural or constitutional imbalances. By addressing these imbalances the practitioner can solve difficult cases and the patient can have more complete and lasting results.In this style of acupuncture the needles being used are very fine, the insertion is very gentle with the use of a guide tube and the stimulation of the needles is minimal or none. The result is an almost painless treatment.

Many people have acupuncture for the treatment of specific symptoms or conditions, and some as a preventive measure to strengthen their constitution, or because they feel unwell in themselves without being ill in the Western sense. Others choose acupuncture to complement conventional medicine treatments of both acute and chronic diseases. Acupuncture is considered suitable for all ages, including children.

Acupuncture has been used for centuries in China to treat many problems. Nowadays is widely considered to be beneficial for a range of illnesses and symptoms, from clearly defined complaints such as lower back pain, migraines, morning sickness, and dental pain to more general feeling of illness such as catching easily colds or low energy.Acupuncture has proved to be effective in pregnancy management and IVF treatment and many women are choosing to have acupuncture to support them throughout pregnancy, for the relief of labour pain and after giving birth.For more information about the conditions acupuncture can treat you can click the page “CONDITIONS TREATED”.

Acupuncture needles are sterile, disposable and bear little resemblance to those used in injections and blood test. They are much finer and are solid rather than hollow. When the needle is inserted the sensation is often described as a tingling or dull ache. Especially in the Japanese style the needles are very fine and they can be completely painless. Needles are inserted either for seconds, or left in place for up to 20 minutes, depending on the effect required.In some cases, the patient might feel some cramping, heaviness, distension, tingling, or electric sensation either around the needle or travelling up or down the affected meridian, or energy pathway. During treatment patients commonly experience a pleasant feeling of relaxation.

Your first consultation will be longer than subsequent sessions. Michail needs to assess your general state of health, in order to identify any underlying pattern of disharmony, and give you the most effective treatment. You will be asked about your current symptoms and what treatment you have received so far, your medical history and that of your close family, your diet, digestive system, sleeping patterns and emotional state.To discover how the energies are flowing in your body, the acupuncturist is likely to feel your pulses on both wrists, and also palpate the abdomen, the neck, the back or individual points. The structure, colour and coating of your tongue also gives a good guide to your physical health.Once enough information has been gathered to determine the likely causes of your problems, the acupuncturist can select the most appropriate treatment. The aim is to discover which energy channels need adjusting for your specific complaint to improve, and which require treatment to boost your overall energy and vitality.Stimulation of specific points affects the functioning of certain organs in the body. However, those areas may not be close to the part of the body where the problem is experienced. For example, although you may suffer from headaches, needles may be inserted in your foot or hand.The acupuncturist may supplement the needle treatment with moxa, a smouldering herb which is used to warm acupuncture points to encourage the body’s energy to flow smoothly. Electro-acupuncture can be another method of stimulating acupuncture points. Massages, tapping with a rounded probe or magnets are techniques particularly suitable for children or for people with a fear of needles.

In traditional acupuncture philosophy each person is considered as unique, and therefore the number of treatments required depends on the individual. That usually depends upon the duration, severity and nature of your complaint.You may need only a single treatment for an acute condition. A series of six to twelve weekly treatments may resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions may require many treatments over time

The best practice among acupuncturists in UK today is to use sterilized, individually packaged, disposable needles. This eliminates the possibility of transmitting a communicable disease by a contaminated needle.All members of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) must observe a Code of Practice, which lays down the highest standards of hygiene. These procedures have been approved by the Department of Health and provide protection against the transmission of infectious diseases.

1 Maintain good personal hygiene to reduce the possibility of bacterial infection.
2 Wear loose clothing. Women should not wear one-piece dresses. Avoid wearing tight stockings.
3 Avoid treatment when excessively fatigued, hungry, full or shortly after sex.
Is there anything I need to do while receiving acupuncture?
1. Relax. Ask Michail any questions you have along the way so that you can get the most benefit possible from the treatment.
2. Do not change your position or move suddenly. If you are uncomfortable, tell your practitioner.
3. On very rare occasions, people experience dizziness, nausea, cold sweat, shortness of breath, or faintness during treatment. It is often occurs if you are nervous. Inform Michail immediately so he can readjust or withdraw the needles. Also let Michail know if you feel any pain or burning sensation during the treatment.

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