Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine is one of the most ancient medical systems as it has been practiced consecutively for over 3000 years in China and many other Eastern Countries. Nowadays Chinese Medicine is a therapeutic system that is widely researched and practiced both in the East and West. The diagnosis in based on the main theory of Chinese Medicine (with some variation in between systems) while the therapy can include a sole practice or a combination of Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Tuina Massage, Exercises, QiGong and Dietary Therapy.

Consequently the approach of diagnosis and treatment through Chinese Medicine is following a holistic model and looks in aspects of your health such as Diet, Exercises, Work and Rest, Emotions and the effect of them on the organs and energy meridians etc.

More specific for the diagnosis the following modalities will be used:

  • Medical History and specific questioning
  • Pulse Diagnosis
  • Tongue Diagnosis
  • Abdominal Diagnosis
  • Meridian Diagnosis

You will be asked about your current symptoms and what treatments you have received so far in addition to your and your close family’s medical history. There would be further questioning about the severity, regularity or other aspects of your digestion, appetite, defecation, urination, thirst, sleep, pain, menses, feeling of hot or cold, emotions etc.

Examination of the pulse and tongue are among the principal diagnostics methods in Chinese Medicine.

Pulse palpation involves the measuring of the pulse in two different depths and in three different locations on the wrist where the radial artery is located. Six different locations and two different depths count for a total of twelve different pulse examinations which, according to Chinese Medicine, are corresponding to the twelve different organs. The pulse is examined for several characteristics such as strength, regularity and depth.

The tongue will be observed and in particular the size, shape, tension, colour, coating and the geography of the tongue including any cracks or teeth marks. The presence of certain characteristics can give diagnostic indications about the condition and function of organs.

The abdominal and meridian palpations are a principal diagnostic tool of the Kiiko Style Japanese Acupuncture. Kiiko developed a highly systematised method of palpation which can give instant diagnostic feedbacks to the practitioner and suggest several treatment options. All the palpation is based on the theory of Classic Texts in Chinese Medicine, researched by great masters of Acupuncture in Japan such as master Manaka and Nagano and established after years of testing and practicing by Kiiko Matsumoto.

Once enough information has been gathered to determine which organs and meridians are out of balance then it will be combined with the Bio-energetic assessment and other diagnostic tools in order to address the causes of your problems and select the most appropriate treatment of your condition.

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